Category Archives: News

Guild news

Cho’gall falls!


Not so scary now, are ya?
Not so scary now, are ya?

Congrats everyone! We got there in the end, and on the last attempt of the night at that!

With Cho’gall’s defeat, War Machine are now officially 10 of 12 for the current content, which is a pretty awesome feat for a casual guild. A special thanks to those that stepped outside of normal roles and even characters to help us get him down, to the two healers that consented to two-healing the fight (!), and of course to all those that put in the effort through numerous wipes over the weeks leading up to last night’s victory.

In other news, the first version of our Book of Knowledge is now live on the site – you can reach it from the menu at the top of the page. Bannox has been hard at work for the last couple of months putting the current document together which outlines what our expectations are for raiding. More topics will be covered over time – we intend for the Book to be a one stop reference to War Machine policy. If you have anything you’d like to see added to the Book, let one of the officers know.

With 4.2 approaching (rumour has it at two or three weeks away, but no firm dates yet) and the new raid content coming with it, there’ll be a lot of interesting changes. Valor points will be converted to Justice points with all current Valor items purchasable with them, and brand new Valor items will make their appearance. A new raiding tier begins with 4.2 which means shiny new purples, and for caster DPS, a brand new legendary staff. And the current tier raids are all getting substantial nerfs (which makes our Cho’gall victory that much sweeter – we did it when it was still endgame content!) We’ll be talking about exactly what War Machine’s plans are for the next tier over the next few weeks, so listen out if you’re keen on being involved.

Level 25 and 8 of 12

Just a few minutes ago, War Machine hit guild level 25! Congrats and well done to everyone for getting us there pretty damn quickly for a casual guild. To celebrate, I bought a mount:

Reins of the Golden King - only 1350g! 😛

We’re also officially 8 of 12 in raid progression as of last weekend, and we almost hit 9 of 12 tonight. Fingers crossed we’ll get there tomorrow as we go back in for some more attempts on Ascendant Council in The Bastion of Twilight.

Three of Twelve

War Machine have now officially downed 3 of the 12 “progression” raid bosses in Cataclysm so far (4 if you count Baradin Hold). Congrats all on getting through them – they’re a much harder breed of boss than we’re used to from Wrath of the Lich King!

War Machine vs Conclave of Wind
War Machine vs Conclave of Wind
War Machine vs Magmaw
Magmaw falls before our awesome!

Unfortunately I don’t have a screenshot from our Halfus kills so if you do, please let me know and I’ll post it.

War Machine vs Conclave of Wind

Congratulations to all involved in the guild first kill of Conclave of Wind last night! Here’s the video of the successful kill:

This just leaves Al’akir to go in Throne of the Four Winds, and after a quick few attempts at him after the kill last night he looks to be a little easier than Conclave was.

Lich King to 25%

Here’s a video of our best LK attempt last night, with us getting him down to 25%. We’re so very close!


Patch 4.01 officially goes live tomorrow so now would be the time to check out what’s changing for your class as there’s a lot to be aware of. Be prepared to regem and reglyph with the new glyph system as well. Reforging also makes an appearance this patch, so read up on that too.

Sindragosa down, Lich King next!

The last boss standing in the way of 10 man Lich King is down for War Machine, making us 11/12 for ICC10. It was a close one though, with the team managing to kill her during her enrage. It was a fantastic job from everyone involved. Unfortunately we weren’t able to catch the kill on video, but I did manage to record what happened next:


Tonight we’re trying our luck properly on Arthas. Fingers crossed.

Putricide and Dreamwalker Videos, Guild Update

We’re well on our way to having a shot at the Lich King himself now – these two videos are from last night’s 10 man run. On our second attempt at Putricide last night, we managed to get him down, but only JUST.


And then for the last boss of the night we headed over to Dreamwalker and one-shotted her, which was pretty good considering we had some people that hadn’t done the fight before.


So officially, War Machine is now 10/12 for Icecrown Citadel 10 man – only Sindragosa stands between us and Arthas.

We’ve had a lot of changes in the guild lately, some old members leaving and many new ones joining our ranks. Welcome to all the new people, it’s fantastic to have you with us. We strive to be a friendly, fun guild as well as open and approachable so if you have any questions, comments, complaints, etc, don’t hesitate to talk to either myself (Dakhan/Fhell/Alysse) or Rakshasi/Aurina/Cheesburglar/Chibiko either in-game, or e-mail us at or

Next Thursday sees the return of Teams Pie and Cake – new names to be determined – for our simultaneous two ICC 10 runs.  Remember to sign up on the calendar event in-game with the character you’d like to bring if you are keen. Additionally, Thraul has been putting together a team for an ICC 10 alt run for Wednesday nights – check out the forum thread if you’re interested. And don’t forget about the ICC 25 man runs on Saturday nights!

Besides the scheduled raids, we are generally on during the week for runs of other raids, heroics to gear up, or just fun old school runs. Hit us up in-game and we’re sure to be able to put something together.

The Blood Queen Falls!

Just a week after downing the Blood Prince Council, we headed back in and not only downed the council again but brought down the Blood Queen herself!


Well done to all the raiders – great clear especially going in blind!