Huge congratulations to the challenge mode team – last night after much hard work (and swearing) they scored the realm record fastest time in Temple of the Jade Serpent! Well done to Yosok (Bannox), Smead (Nok), Orang (Tree), Panduh (Anj) and Xinju (Zesh).
On Saturday 1st of February, we will be trying something new. Naked raiding has been talked about in guild before, but usually meaning raiding while naked in real life. While there’s no rule against doing that, this isn’t what this event is about.
War Machine Presents: Naked Raiding!
So, what is Naked Raiding? Naked Raiding will take place in an older raid, such as Karazhan or Molten Core. The exact raid will depend on numbers. Once we’re all there, this is what will happen:
Get naked. In-game. That means take all your gear off, weapons and trinkets included. You will be permitted to wear a guild tabard if you so desire, but nothing else.
Start raiding!
As the raid progresses, gear will drop. When gear drops, everyone who can use that piece of gear will roll on it. The winner of the roll will then put that piece of gear on immediately. The more things we kill, the more loot will drop, and the more easily we’ll progress through the raid. The winner will be determined by the person with the most gear at the end of the raid.
So what do you get for winning?
If you win first place – if you’re the person with the most gear at the end of the raid – you’ll get to choose your prize from one of these two options:
Your choice of one of the shiny pets from the Blizzard Store
Or, if pets aren’t your thing, One Thousand shiny pieces of gold from the guild bank.
Sounds like fun, huh? So sign up! The event is on Saturday 1st of February at 8:30pm server time and is in the in-game calendar now, sign up on whoever you want to bring – no gear restrictions (obviously!) but I would advise bringing a level 90 – better survivability when naked.