Carapace Cracked: N’Zoth Nullified

It’s almost a two-part fight with an intermission. First, the Fury, a wild chase through N’zoth’s internals, warts and all. Why does he retreat into his shell? Nobody knows. He’s the last of his kind, perhaps it is loneliness and fear that drives the Fury?

Whatever the reality – War Machine opened the carapace up and faced the little version of the big guy himself… inside a very large, rather empty chamber. And despite the shortage of toilet paper, we wiped and wiped over one and a half nights.
The paranoia was potent and our sanity slipped ever down. Our thoughts were laid bare and harvested. Until, finally, something magical happened and not one, not two, but three Pyschus phases were completed. The door that was agonisingly ajar for so long had been kicked open. N’Zoth was so very hittable and hit him we did.

Well, right up until we went insane, got snapped out of it by a diamond dwarf and then became a conduit for a Deathstar-like beam of azerite and -poof – N’zoth no more.

Thank you to everyone who has been coming along to the raids and for persevering through the final boss. I had no thoughts when I first joined War Machine that I’d be tanking again, let alone raid leading. It has been a pleasure and delight starting and finishing this tier – something I haven’t done with a guild for almost 15 years.

And now we get to do it again. Maybe even on a higher difficulty! That’s why N’Zoth had no chance – we’re already insane.

Want to be a part of this insanity? Submit an application! You don’t even have to raid (more raiders would be awesome though)!

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