This is the current War Machine weekly event schedule. This should not be taken as gospel as we do make adjustments week to week depending on events, availability, and many other factors. The events indicated here are just a guideline as to how we normally run the week.
No guild wide events currently scheduled for Monday, though watch this space!
Mythic+, Island Expedition or Other smaller groups may be running. |
No events scheduled for Tuesdays due to weekly maintenance. |
8:30pm ST |
Wednesday Raid
- Start – 8:30pm [be ready and online/in Discord by 8:20pm]
- Finish – 10:30pm [2 ½ hours]
Notes: Fresh run for the week, will likely be taking down the first two to three bosses. Your alternative characters are acceptable unless they limit the progression by too great a margin. This would be the night to try something new. Open invite.
Leaders: See Calendar Event
8:30pm ST |
Thursday Raid
- Start – 8:30pm [be ready and online/in Discord by 8:20pm]
- Finish – 10:30pm [2 hours]
Notes: Continuation from Wednesday. Bring mains only for this run unless otherwise agreed. Attempt to clear the remainder of the instance. If clearing the instance happens before finish of raid time then we will finish early for the night (if very early then we’ll switch to heroic). Open invite.
Leaders: See Calendar Event |
No regularly scheduled events on Fridays at this stage, though it is a common day for ad-hoc raids, achievement runs and the like. Check the guild calendar to see if something’s being run! |
No regularly scheduled events on Saturdays at this stage, though it is a common day for ad-hoc raids, mythic+ runs and other events. Check the calendar or keep an eye on guild chat!
Mythic+, Island Expedition or Other smaller groups usually run on Saturdays. |
No regularly scheduled events on Sundays at this stage, though it is a common day for mythic+ runs and other events. Check the calendar or keep an eye on guild chat! |