Congrats everyone! We got there in the end, and on the last attempt of the night at that!
With Cho’gall’s defeat, War Machine are now officially 10 of 12 for the current content, which is a pretty awesome feat for a casual guild. A special thanks to those that stepped outside of normal roles and even characters to help us get him down, to the two healers that consented to two-healing the fight (!), and of course to all those that put in the effort through numerous wipes over the weeks leading up to last night’s victory.
In other news, the first version of our Book of Knowledge is now live on the site – you can reach it from the menu at the top of the page. Bannox has been hard at work for the last couple of months putting the current document together which outlines what our expectations are for raiding. More topics will be covered over time – we intend for the Book to be a one stop reference to War Machine policy. If you have anything you’d like to see added to the Book, let one of the officers know.
With 4.2 approaching (rumour has it at two or three weeks away, but no firm dates yet) and the new raid content coming with it, there’ll be a lot of interesting changes. Valor points will be converted to Justice points with all current Valor items purchasable with them, and brand new Valor items will make their appearance. A new raiding tier begins with 4.2 which means shiny new purples, and for caster DPS, a brand new legendary staff. And the current tier raids are all getting substantial nerfs (which makes our Cho’gall victory that much sweeter – we did it when it was still endgame content!) We’ll be talking about exactly what War Machine’s plans are for the next tier over the next few weeks, so listen out if you’re keen on being involved.