Hi all,
Some of you may have noticed that the progression raider rank has been reset to member for everyone involved in Nighthold’s progression team. We’re trying something a little different this expansion where by for each raid tier we’re going to re-confirm interest in this type of run. To this end there is a forum post entitled [Prog] Tomb of Sageras where I would like everyone still interested in being at part of progression to post the following:

– Main Character
– Primary Spec
– Any additional viable and well played specs
– Alts that would come close your main for performance and their relative specs

Just a reminder that the progression night is for people who are wanting to stretch their legs a little in terms of raiding, which includes a more serious evening of focus on downing bosses. The intent of this team is to carve our way through new content which is proving difficult for War Machine to down. This means you need to be prepared for long nights on the same boss until the job is done. There is more detail on the expectations in our [Book of Knowledge] however if you have any questions please contact me or one of the other officers in game.
We’ve been doing Mythic lately however this is largely due to not having any new content to do, though given how people are enjoying it at the moment it may be something we ultimately end up doing after AOTC is achieved for the guild.

Few things to remember:
Playing the role you want to play? Sure… if it fits our needs
Language… yeah, we take the filters off a little for that night so don’t be surpirsed if things are a little more blue than usual. Not a lisence to go ham, only the understanding that difficult content can bread the need to vent once and a while.
Making mistakes? No one is going to swear at you, but you could be called out for something that needs fixing. Also, if you show up to this run without gems and enchants you’ll get the kick real quick. I mean common… the type of people signing up for this wouldn’t really need to be asked to do that in the first place would they?
Fun? Not allowed
Killing the boss? Priceless….

This run is not in any way exclusionary. Everyone is eligible to sign up for this event. We just want to make sure the expectations are clear up front so you know what you are getting in to and that you feel comfortable in this raiding environment.

– Bannox

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